Preparing Your Complaint

An Employer, Master, Licensor, or Principal can use an Unlawful Detainer to evict an employee or servant.

What Forms Do I Need?


You may also find the appropriate forms and get help filling out the forms you need using the tutorial form programs and eFilng options on the Self-Help Centers’ “Create Court Forms” page.

Where Do I File the Complaint?


You have to file in The Superior Court of California. This is the only court with the power to hear the case. Every county in California has a Superior Court. Many counties have several branches. Make sure you eFile the action and list the right branch of the right county (called venue).


Venue means the county where a court with jurisdiction can hear a lawsuit. For an Unlawful Detainer, the venue is the county where the property is. The Superior Court of Orange County has several branches called "Justice Centers." You must eFile your case and list the correct Justice Center where the property is located. CLICK HERE for a listing of the Justice Centers and the cities that are within each Justice Center’s venue.

EXCEPTION: If the amount owed exceeds $25,000 then all cases are filed at the Central Justice Center-in the Unlimited Civil Division.

How to Complete the Complaint

The Complaint(UD-100) is the initial document filed, also known as a lawsuit. There are five sections to the complaint form:

If you are using the State Fillable forms, (see above "What Forms Do I Need?") you may wish to print out this section to follow as you complete the forms. If you are using a Tutorial Forms Program you can skip the rest of this section and follow the instructions given by the tutorial.


Insert your name, address, and phone number.

Court Address:

Insert the name and address of the court that you list as the correct Justice Center where the property is located. (see above "Where Do I File the Complaint?").

Names of the Plaintiffs:

The plaintiff is the person who starts the Unlawful Detainer. In most cases the plaintiff is the landlord. The plaintiff has to be competent and over 18. They have to be able to state that the property is theirs. An agent, such as a property manager, cannot sue in his or her own name.

You can be a landlord even if you do not own the property. For example, if you sublet the property or part of the property, you are the subtenant’s landlord. You can start an Unlawful Detainer against the subtenant. Also, if the owner lets a management company give out leases in its own name, the management company is the landlord. The management company can start an Unlawful Detainer action. But, if the lease is in the owner’s name, the management company is not the landlord. The owner is the plaintiff.

If the plaintiff is a corporation, they must be represented by an attorney.

Names of the Defendants:

The person or people the plaintiff wants to evict is the defendant. The defendant must live on the property when you file. Try to name all of the adults who live at the property as defendants. It can be hard to enforce the judgment against anyone who is not named in the complaint as a defendant. You do not have to name children under 18 as defendants. You can also add unknown defendants by checking the box "DOES" and entering "DOES 1 to (insert a number such as 10 or 100)," etc.

Type of Case:

This has to do with how much damages you ask for in the final section of the complaint. If you ask for more than $25,000 in damages, the case is a "General Civil" Case. If you ask for less, it is a "Limited Civil" case. You have to state if you are asking for more or less than $10,000.

Interests and costs do not count as damages. For example, in a limited civil case, you can get: